This site holds miscellaneous things by Douglas Bagnall, and is rarely up to date.
You might be looking for one of these things:
Opo (2011). A
system for synchronising multiple video projections.
Libsparrow (2010). A brief description,
videos, and a link to the code.
Te Tuhi Video Game
Machine (2007). This is a game console that looks at a
picture rather than a cartridge or CD. It works out what game
the picture depicts, and lets you play that game. The software is freely available for
download and modification.
Mimetic Television (2006).
A mimetic television imitates other televisions. Its images are similar to theirs in
colour, shape, and motion, but share none of their actual content.
Cloud Shape Classifier (2006).
A machine to help people find good clouds.
Music industry simulator (2004).
Description, link to working example.
The Filmmaking Robot (2004)
Description of the work, and some of the robot's early work.
older and older stuff.
The navigation is inconsistent, with incomplete pages, and broken links.