Pictorial Research Group Movie Tour Request Form

We are planning to tour New Zealand with our films, and this is supposed to help us to decide where to go. You can choose to be put on the tour itinary mailing list.

the nearest town, suburb, or community hall:

other nearby places:

nearest city or largish town or regional centre:

films you're most interested in seeing:
Northland Panorama, 16mm, 5 mins, 1998 Random Geographical Survey 16mm, 15mins, 1998
Australia Day, DB, 16mm, 6mins, 1997 The Sea part 3, DB, 16mm, 15mins, 1996
The Sea part 2, DB, 8mm, 4mins, 1994 The Sea part 1, DB, 8/16mm, 3mins, 1994
Driveway, DB, 16mm, 5mins, 1995 My Land, DB, 16mm, 1min, 1995
Cascade, DB, 35mm, 5mins, 1995 The Autobiography of Zoe Ziegler, DB, 8mm, 5mins, 1994
Second Film, DB, 8/16mm, 3mins, 1993 BZZ 01, DB, 8/16mm, 3mins, 1993
Bowl Me Over, LM, 16mm, 5mins, 1995 9417153, LM, 8/16mm, 3mins, 1994
Rain, LM, 16mm, 3mins, 1997 everything

any further comments: (prefered dates or times, venue suggestions, etc)

Fill in the next bit if you want to be informed of the tour itinary, if and when a tour eventuates.


address: (if you prefer messages on paper)